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  • Nathan

New Op-Ed: Community Wealth is More than a Social Service

For the past year, I have been learning about the role of community wealth building in improving the sustainability, equitability, and efficacy of economic development in Canada.

However, as I've gotten to know more about community wealth initiatives like land trusts, worker cooperatives, and so on, I've struggled with the idea that community wealth is still an afterthought in the broader economic development conversation - an aside to an otherwise persistent paradigm.

This concern is the subject of a new opinion piece published on Rabble, written with my friend Colin Anthes. Colin's knowledge of the community wealth movement is much deeper than my own, and writing this article with him was a great opportunity to learn more about the ambitious and innovative work being done to improve economic outcomes around the world.

For me, it was also a chance to get out of the academic arena and engage with the policy discourse directly - a new writing experience as I find my post-PhD footing.

Hopefully you all enjoy the article and can draw on it in your work. I look forward to engaging more deeply with Canada's community wealth prospects in the months to come.

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